Ulaanbaatar city has a variety of hotels ranging from cheap to expensive and they are categorized with 3 to 5 stars by European standards. Most hotels have rooms with private facilities while some have shared facilities, or both. All hotels have a restaurant and breakfast is usually included in the price.
Travel websites like ( and trip advisor ( are great sources for hotels with ratings from customer feedback, photographs made by the property and customers, as well as pricing information.

Hostels and backpacker’s accommodations in Mongolia have a reputation for being clean, comfortable and a very good value.
What we call Guesthouse accommodations are widely available in Mongolia. Almost all Hostels are individually owned and most are modern with a cozy atmosphere. Breakfast is included in the price.
There is often access to a small kitchen. Some hostels only offer dormitory rooms while others provide a choice of dormitory, double, twin and single rooms. In most cases, bathroom and kitchen facilities are shared. Also, laundry service is usually availability, so you can catch up on cleaning your clothes.



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